Two cars for Bakunin’s Barricade
In 1849 when Prussian troops tried to defeat the socialist insurgency in Dresden revolutionary anarchist Mikhail Bakunin suggested placing paintings from the National Museum’s collection in front of the barricades, speculating Prussian soldiers wouldn’t dare destroy the works and therefore pass the barricade. Inspired by Bakunin’s never realized proposal Öğüt has created a barricade using works from the Van Abbe’s collection. A loan agreement stipulates that the barricade may be requested and deployed by activists during future social uprisings.
Toen Pruisische troepen in 1849 de socialistische opstand in Dresden dreigden neer te slaan, stelde de revolutionaire anarchist Michail Bakoenin voor schilderijen uit de collectie van het Nationaal Museum voor de barricades te zetten. Dit in de veronderstelling dat de Pruisische soldaten de schilderijen niet zouden durven vernietigen om de barricades te nemen. Geïnspireerd door Bakoenins nooit uitgevoerde voorstel, heeft Ahmet Öğüt een barricade gemaakt met werken uit de collectie van het Van Abbemuseum. In de bruikleenovereenkomst is bepaald dat de barricade bij toekomstige maatschappelijke opstanden door activisten opgevraagd en ingezet mag worden.
Reverb, a live performance by Ahmet Öğüt in collaboration with Fino Blendax
One of the rooms in Ahmet Öğüt’s upcoming solo presentation Forward!, opening on March 7th, focusses on Learning and Collaboration.
Collaboration and pedagogy have framed much of Öğüt ’s practice over the past several years. Many of the projects that have arisen out of this engagement have challenged the structures and frameworks within which they operate. This approach is bought together in ‘Strategic Diagram for Non-hierarchical Participatory Radical Democracy’, which seeks to critically address the nature of cultural practice. It is proposed as a kind of practice board to exchange ideas, an free/open source diagram that anybody can use, add comments or change by hand. The diagram will be the starting point for a number of workshops with different groups.
Ahmet Öğüt : ”What is our practice actually about? When I say us, I mean all mediators: curators, artists, cultural producers, activists, political “hacktivists,” revolutionaries, ontological anarchists, historians, social scientists and so on —anybody, in short, who is trying and thinking about the possibilities of transforming the system. I thought it might be interesting to think together about this diagram from a critical perspective. It can be a kind of practice board (tabula) to exchange critical ideas. I want it to become an open source diagram, anybody can print it, add their comments or change it by hand. After that they can send it to somebody else whom they might think would like to contribute a critical response.”
"I do not believe that power is a perfectly functioning mechanism. Yes, power is everywhere but with its weaknesses and gaps."
"Perhaps we should all become pranksters and tricksters in order to survive contemporary daily life and its ‘social protocols’."
(Source: forwardvooruit, via forwardvooruit)
Forward! - Vooruit!